FAQ Hofin
Find answers to common questions for this app.
Q: Is this app only for professionals?
No anyone who is interested in saving his or her expenses in a database can have major benefits from the app.
Q: Can I modify the account types?
No, the account types Payable and Receivable are system types and can not be modified.
Q: Why is this app very useful for you?
A lot of people are having trouble keeping track of their expenses. They can end up in financial problems if they do not manage their income and expenses. Based on previous expenses (which you store in the database for this app) you can make some budgeting decisions.
This app is just designed to provide you that insight in your expenses which you need.
Q: How many data can I store?
Theoretically unlimited. The database size is only limited by the storage capacity of the device.
A database with around 7500 transactions will take up around 2.5MB of storage.
These 7500 transactions equates to around 8 years of data (but this will differ from person to person).
Q: Can I use the data from a report in my spreadsheet app?
Yes, you can. Once the report is created, you can select the data by tapping on the data table and hold on till you see the copy markers.
Copy the data and simply paste it into your spreadsheet app.
Q: Is there an iPhone version?
No, this app is specifically designed for the iPad to make data entry easier. You can however email reports to any person if email has been setup on the device. So you will be able to see the reports on iPhones too.
Q: Can the database structure be changed?
Q: Can the app be secured?
Yes, a unique way of setting security is designed in the form of pass patterns.
A pass pattern consist of a combination of blocks out of a grid of 25 blocks.
You are allowed to set one block or 25 blocks or any combination in between. So you determine you own security strength.
For example if you use 1 block as pattern someone has a 1 in 25 change to get the pattern right (so not to hard to get it right).
The more blocks the harder it is to get the pattern right and the higher your security strength.
Say if you choose 8 blocks for your pass pattern then there are over a million combinations (1081575 to be exact) possible! Much more than your pin on your credit card!
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