Q: What is the purpose of this software?
This software is intended only for storing details about your collection of DVD's, Blu-rays or digital copies that you own in a database and retrieve information from it.
Q: Can the software play the movies that I store as information in my database?
No, this is not a video player.
Q: What is a major benefit of the software?
If you are in a store to buy a new DVD for example and you would like to know if you already have this DVD in your collection, you can quickly check your database.
Q: Can I add images to the collection?
No, the software has 3 predefined images: One for depicting a DVD, one for a Blu-ray, and one to depict a digital copy.
It was done by design to minimize the storage footprint on the device and to quickly see what the type of media device is in the collection.
Q: How does the filtering work?
Two types of filtering systems are used by the program.
The first type is the so called quick search. While you are typing in the search box, the software immediately tries to find your text in the list.
It will match any item in the collection which contains the key-word you typed in.
This is handy when you are in a store and want to know quickly if you already have a DVD or Blu-ray.
The second type of filtering can be used by setting filters (like: I want to see all blu-ray entries in my collection or show all the items that have a 4 star rating).
Your filter is stored, so when you start the app later again this filter is still set.
Q: Is there an iPad version?
Yes, look at the screenshots for the iPad (on this website).
Q: Can I import DVD or Blu-ray details into my database?
No, you can't. You have to enter the details yourself. This was done by design, because you might want to enter different details.
Also, there might be costs involved in accessing third party databases. And this is not what the designers of this program wanted.
You only pay for the app and that's it. No hidden costs or in-app purchases.
Q: Can I move my database from iPhone/iPad to another iPhone/iPad?
Yes, through iTunes you can save the database to another location on your computer.
Or, you can load the database from a location on your computer to the device.
Q: Can the database structure be changed?
Q: Can I start all over again with a blank database?
Yes, go to settings and press 'Delete Collection' (you will be asked to confirm your deletion).
Q: Can I open my database in another program?
Yes, you can. Any database management tool that can open a SQlite 3 database can be used.
You can add, modify and delete records as long as you keep the database structure the same.
Q: What information is stored per item in the collection?
1. Name of the DVD, Blu-ray, Digital movie [Name]
2. Date when you added the item in the collection [Date new entry]
3. Date when you last saw the movie, serie etc. [Date last seen]
4. The rating you give the item (* to ***** stars) [Rating]
5. The Genre (use one of the 18 built in ones) [Genre]
6. The storage type (DVD, Blu-ray, Digital) [Storage]
7. Indication if the DVD, Blu-ray came with a special features disk. [Has features disc]
8. Indication if the DVD, Blu-ray is part of a series [Is part of series]
9. How many discs there are in the box you bought [Discs in boxset]
Q: Is it easy to enter my collection of DVD's, Blu-rays into this database?
Yes, but how long it takes depends on the size of your collection. A lot of fields are already pre-populated when adding a new item.
Data entry on the iPad goes a lot faster due to the size of the keyboard, and you see the complete item in whole on the screen in landscape mode.
To give you an indication: 374 items entered through the iPad took around 3 hours.