App Development

Software powers the world today ...


During my 33+ years career in the IT industry I developed a whole range of software applications for different uses. It started with the programming language 'Pascal' during my mathematics study. I started using different languages. From structured programming in Dos and Basic through to VB 6 to finally C#. I have a strong believe for structured design principles.

I also developed iOS apps for apple devices using Objective C first and Swift later. Nowadays I only make iOS apps in Swift because I like to do so.

I can create applications on request or participate in a team to modify, enhance or redesign existing applications. My philosophy is to make software readable and easy maintainable. Strong use of design principles is key. Desktop application development is my strength.


Some of the tools I nowadays use for development.

  • Visual Studio C# (preferred)
  • Visual Basic VB6 for maintaining older software
  • Javascript
  • iOS swift
  • SwiftUI
  • Sql Server database for Window apps
  • Sqlite database for iOS apps
  • Visual Studio Code for html coding

My Apps

Mobile app development is a hobby of mine. And I like it to be that way. I used to have a couple of paid apps in the app store. But the time I had to spend on administrative regulations by Apple and the Government by running a small business was taking to much of my time. Since I have a full time job, I did not have enough time to maintain all the work involved.
So I stopped my business and provide now under my pseudonym Staneke IT Solutions some free apps.

The following apps I created are in the app store or waiting for approval to be in the app store:
  • AskCalculator: is a very simple app for creating some basic calculations regarding percentages created for my wife for use at her work.

    You can find the privacy policy here

  • MyBloodPressure: is an app where you can store your systolic - diastolic - heart rate measurements in a database on your device. You have to put the data in yourself, the app does NOT collect any data automatically. I you show your GP (doctor) the data (can only be done by showing the phone to her/him), it might give her/him a better insight in your regular bloodpressures. NO DATA is shared with anyone at all and you can't export any data in the app itself to anyone. It is yours.